Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Who says?
Who says an autistic child won't make eye contact? I used to! Emma is our child that is autistic. She is one of three awesome children we have been blessed with and for the most part I would tell you her autism is more about quirks and oddities than the more severe cases on the spectrum, she is extremely social and high functioning. I know we are fortunate for this. We recognized early signs and had her evaluated for speech in her 2 year old year as she wasn't saying more than 2 or 3 words. She made eye contact but not terribly often and rarely with a camera. Her early photos are primarily of the top or her head and looking sideways. Still, I was okay with that. If she never made full fledged eye contact with my lens I could deal with that, I am after all a fairly artistic photographer! Still, she started attending a therapy school and made tremendous strides in language, physical skills and social skills. Somewhere in her 3rd year approaching the the age of 4 she decided the camera was her friend. A photographer came to her school and did dress up photos of all the kids. They specifically mentioned Emma and her desire to perform for the camera. Her proofs were all amazing and I ended up just buying all of them. Since that time when she is asked to smile for the camera it typically garners a performance. Usually complete with arm, leg and head movements. I now find it hard to capture the still moments of Emma, (no, look off in the distance. No! Don't go in the distance, just look!) Still, I love those eyes and I love my little performing girl.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
It's been awhile...

My has it, nearly two years between postings, that is quite a bit of time. While I don't know if anyone reads this, I see my blog page when I log on to read my friends blogs, so I see my lacking. Jim left yesterday and will be gone until school starts in the fall. I don't know if he will be able to access this site where he is, I have heard the internet is sketchy. Still, I figure if I make myself keep track of the funny, sad, weird, crazy things that are bound to happen while he is gone, he will have a record to read and I will have a way to help me remember. So hopefully I will be motivated and post on a more regular basis. If you by chance are one of my friends or relatives that does check in to this spot you will get to share in our absurdities too! The photo is the most recent of the kids and it was taken at Easter. It was one of multiple shots but really the best one (eyes forward, decent expressions, etc), I labeled it crazy easter and that is pretty much what it was, but it was fun!
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