Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

The kids randomly keep saying, its your day!

This morning they let me sleep in until 8:45 when Emma woke me up with a tray of food and declared she had made me breakfast. My pump was alarming (blood sugar dropping, also explaining how I was able to sleep in) so I slowly woke up and awkwardly reached for "breakfast", it was a banana, apple, and string cheese. Next Lucie joined us and heard my pump. She handed me the skittles on my table. I thanked her for listening to my pump and I ate a few of those. Then she took my apple and went downstairs and ate it. I laid there in bed for a bit and then Emma was back with a coffee cup. She said, "coffee is really hard to make!" In a panic I interrupted her and said, "EMMA! Do not make coffee, mommy can do that!!". Emma then continued with, "so I made you this". Now I take the cup and look inside, oh milk! Great! I say thank you and take a drink, NOT milk! Coffee creamer. Yummy! 

I decided it was time to go downstairs and make their breakfast and that pot of coffee that eluded Emma. Happy Mother's day 2010, it is already priceless. 

1 comment:

Dragonfli said...

Aw your kids sound so sweet!